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My Maths Homework 3c Answers !NEW!

Additionally, by storing the specific values for the problem it allows for the program to create division problems that result in integer answers. If the program generated random numbers, it would be much more complex to create problems that would result in integer answers.

my maths homework 3c answers

The selected function contributes to the overall execution of the program by executing the quiz questions and returning how many questions were correct. The function takes the type of questions as an input and then returning the number of correct answers back to the main program.

The function does this by looping through all the values in the list to create a problem. Inside the loop, the function starts by printing out the first number of the problem from the first_number list. It then uses a selection statement to print out the operator and calculate the correct answer for either a division or multiplication problem based on the passes parameter. Next, it prints out the second number from the second_number list and asks the user for their guess. Using a selection statement, it compares the correct answer to the user's input and reports out the results. If the answer is correct, it also adds to a tracker variable that keeps track of the number of correct answers. At the end of the loop, the function terminates by returning the number of correct answers.

The two test cases are based on passing a different input to create different types of problem in the function (multiplication versus division). The first call will pass the letter M. Based on this call, the program should select a multiplication problems to print out. Inside the loop, the selection statement will execute the first part of the selection statement and print a problem with a * operator. It will also calculate the answer by multiplying the values from the first_number and second_number lists. The result of the call will be to print 5 multiplication problems and return the number of correct answers.

The second call will pass the letter D. Based on this call, the program should select a division problem. Inside the loop, the selection statement will execute the else clause since D does not equal M. As a result, the code will print a / operator and calculate the answer by dividing the first_number value by the second_number value. The result of the call will be to print 5 division problems and return the number of correct answers.

Students should expect to spend 1-3 hours on homework every week. Homework will be assigned and completed through Beast Academy Online, where students receive immediate feedback on their work. Students will take four in-class exams throughout the course.

The next time you are with a group of people, and you want to impress them with your psychic powers, try this. Number everyone in the group from 1 to however many there are. Get a piece of string, and tell them to tie it on someone's finger while you leave the room or turn your back. Then say you can tell them not only who has it, but which hand and which finger it is on, if they will just do some easy math for you and tell you the answers. Then ask one of them to answer the following questions:

To calculate scores, we sum up all the points that answers received (=points earned). We then total all points available for those answers (the point value on the questions = points possible) and divide the former by the latter.

Why is "My Maths" so popular when it's so hard to use and so often wrong? Surely there are other more reliable alternatives? Am I being unreasonable in thinking this is just lazy teaching? The teacher never actually sets any homework of his own nor ever marks any himself - it's literally ALL "my maths" for the homeworks.My son (year 10) has been plagued with My Maths homeworks for 3 years now. The teacher wants scores of 100% and tells the class to keep re-doing it until that is achieved. Trouble is that if you get just one part of a question wrong, you have to do an entire section again with different questions, not just the type of question you got wrong. That means a 30 minute homework can take a couple of hours and causes a lot of wasted time and stress having to do all the questions you can do over and over again not just the ones you can't.But, more annoyingly, is the number of questions where the answer is wrong which also triggers having to do the whole section again. Today is a case in point. Son is still on with the damn thing! I first thought that he was making mistakes, but on the 3rd time, I went through it with him before he committed the answers. One question, it asked for the answer to 1 dp - son came up with 7.543 so put down 7.5 as the answer - the system marked it wrong and gave 7.6 as the "right" answer. Result is that son now has to do the whole section again through no fault of his own. Just wondering if this is now the "norm" for Maths teaching for GCSE as it does seem to be a very lazy way giving an easy life for the teacher. Occasion homework via this system is fair enough, but surely the teacher should actually be looking at the pupils' exercise books occasionally? He's not marked my son's book at all this year so all he knows is whatever reports are fed back via my maths. My son says that he bases his termly report grades on how many attempts it takes each pupil to get the magic 100% in the sections.

It is not 'lazy' teaching at all. It is reflective of the workload involved with teaching a core GCSE subject in a mainstream school. It is also reflective of the likelihood of students engaging with homework on paper versus on their phones - MyMaths (as I understand it) can be done anytime, any place. I understand your frustrations with it, though.

I hate My Maths, too. Ds1 uses 3c, and Ds2 uses 1c. OUP emailed me the answers, quite a lot were wrong in both books - also proven by maths teacher. I think lazy maths teachers push the online my maths tests, for homework, as they are automarked.Children do any homework they need to on My Maths and I make sure they do workings in writing. I think they try not because its online.

My children's primary school used to set MyMaths homework once a week. I think it has its uses but also its limitations.If a child made an error in one step, they had to re-do the whole question (given a new set of values) without being told where they had gone wrong.I can't quite imagine how it would be used beyond KS3. DS2 is in Y10, and part of what he is practising when presented with a problem is working out which skills and methods to use from his mathematical 'toolbox' in order to arrive at a solution.

DS1's teacher sets very little homework but insists the way to success is an hour of MyMaths everyday. DS1 hates it and won't use it. Teacher won't set more homework because they 'won't understand' something - I pointed out if they don't understand he can explain it to them. This is set one. Teacher for previous two years never mentioned MyMaths! And she set and marked homework.

Maths teacher here. I am supposed to set 2 homework's a week for all my classes. I can not mark them all. I do a combination of written homework, learning homework and mymaths homework. I also use self marking, peer marking and mymaths marking. Previous poster who said that mymaths should not be used without writing anything down is correct - then if you get one answer wrong it is not an onerous task to do it again. I also disagree with teacher saying students have to get 100%, I want to know which of my students are struggling with the topic - I might ask them to try a second time if they get less than a certain mark but no more than that. There are other websites available but I most say mymaths is (in my opinion as a parent and a teacher) pretty good - not perfect but constantly evolving to correct issues and keep upto date with curriculum. Our parents association fund raise and pay for the mymaths licence each year as most parents like it.

One of the first thing I did as a Head of Maths was to cancel the stupid thing. Saved around 500 a year, which then was used for photocopying. Students can cheat easily by opening a lot of tabs at the same time. I don't know if they have fixed the issue since then. Mymaths homework only requires answers, which totally goes against the requirement of the new GCSE and later on A Level Maths. If I need to mark a homework that only shows answers, I can save mysefl all the hassle by getting pupils to peer mark it themselves.

And it's also perfectly possible to just get your friends to do it for you or give you the answers - see it all the time at school. Of course, that can happen with written maths, too, but less likely if you're asked to show workings.

We have a mymaths licence at my school. We only ever use it as a revision tool or for setting work for pupils who are going to be absent for a few weeks so they can look at the lessons and not need to catch up quite so much. So each term as we head for a test i put up all the exercises related to the topics we've covered and they choose which ones they do to help with their revision. Regular homework (twice a week for each class) is worksheets and written in their exercise books, usually marked by me but sometimes peer or self assessed in lessons where we discuss methods.

Previous poster who said that mymaths should not be used without writing anything down is correct - then if you get one answer wrong it is not an onerous task to do it again.The questions are different when you have to do it again so writing down the answers for earlier attempts doesn't mean you don't have to do the whole lot again.

How does Mymaths compare with Hegartymaths? I know Hegrtymaths has won awards and is free.Dd used to use Khan Academy at home, even though it follows an American rather than English curriculum. She also used Mathletics as this is what her school had paid for. To use a comparison which has been used before, it was like trying to decide whether to get a telephone or Morse code device for your home.


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